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Sprawdź kto jest właścicielem dowolnego systemu autonomicznego (AS)

Jeżeli wpiszesz niepoprawny numer AS - ASN - sprawdzenie nie zostanie wykonane - wynik będzie pusty.
Sprawdzanie może trwać nawet kilka lub kilkanaście sekund więc cierpliwie czekaj.
Twój IPv4:
US (lg) / ec2-98-81-24-230.compute-1.amazonaws.com
Należy do:
Twój IPv6:
2002:6251:18e6::6251:18e6 (6to4 wyliczony z adresu IPv4 z którego się łączysz)

Ostatnie zapytania:
serwer: ciskacz.of.pl
akcja: asinfo ASN
numer AS (np. AS29305)

as-block:       AS12288 - AS12454
descr:          RIPE NCC ASN block
remarks:        These AS Numbers are assigned to network operators in the RIPE NCC service region.
mnt-by:         RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT
created:        2018-11-22T15:27:24Z
last-modified:  2018-11-22T15:27:24Z
source:         RIPE

aut-num:        AS12306
as-name:        PLUSLINE
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        *                    _             _  _                         *
remarks:        *             ___   / /__ __ ___  / /(_)___  ___                *
remarks:        *            / _ \ / // // /(_-< / // // _ \/ -_)               *
remarks:        *           / .__//_/ \_,_//___//_//_//_//_/\__/                *
remarks:        *          /_/                                                  *
remarks:        *                                                               *
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        * URLs                                                          *
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        * Plus.line AG: https://www.plusline.net                        *
remarks:        * looking glass: https://lg.plusline.net                        *
remarks:        * peeringdb: https://as12306.peeringdb.com                      *
remarks:        * peering contact: peering@plusline.net                         *
remarks:        * NOC contact: noc@plusline.net                                 *
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        * Locations                                                     *
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        * - InterXion Frankfurt                                         *
remarks:        * - Equinix FR5                                                 *
remarks:        * - Equinix FR2                                                 *
remarks:        * - NTT FRA1 (e-Shelter FRA1)                                   *
remarks:        * - Telehouse Frankfurt                                         *
remarks:        * - InterXion Duesseldorf                                       *
remarks:        * - Equinix MU1/MU3                                             *
remarks:        * - Telemaxx Karlsruhe                                          *
remarks:        * - Plus.line AG Stuttgart                                      *
remarks:        * - Speedbone Berlin                                            *
remarks:        * - InterXion Stockholm                                         *
remarks:        * - Mediam Helsinki                                             *
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        * Network policy                                                *
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        * Peering policy is selective. We filter RPKI invalids.         *
remarks:        * Prefixes longer than /24 or /48 are filtered.                 *
remarks:        * Bogons and peering LANs are filtered.                         *
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        * BGP-Communities                                               *
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        *                                                               *
remarks:        * Informational:                                                *
remarks:        *                                                               *
remarks:        * 12306:100 - received from upstream                            *
remarks:        * 12306:200 - received from peering                             *
remarks:        * 12306:300 - received from bgp downstream                      *
remarks:        * 12306:700 - received from as12306 customer                    *
remarks:        * 12306:12306 - originated from as12306                         *
remarks:        *                                                               *
remarks:        * 12306:101 - received from Lumen                               *
remarks:        * 12306:103 - received from NTT                                 *
remarks:        * 12306:104 - received from DTAG                                *
remarks:        * 12306:105 - received from Telia                               *
remarks:        * 12306:106 - received from Core-Backbone                       *
remarks:        * 12306:250 - received from DE-CIX                              *
remarks:        * 12306:253 - received from AMS-IX                              *
remarks:        * 12306:400 - received in Germany                               *
remarks:        * 12306:401 - received in Netherlands                           *
remarks:        * 12306:500 - received in Frankfurt                             *
remarks:        * 12306:502 - received in Wiesbaden                             *
remarks:        * 12306:504 - received in Karlsruhe                             *
remarks:        * 12306:505 - received in Stuttgart                             *
remarks:        * 12306:506 - received in Muenchen                              *
remarks:        * 12306:507 - received in Koeln                                 *
remarks:        * 12306:508 - received in Duesseldorf                           *
remarks:        * 12306:509 - received in Hannover                              *
remarks:        * 12306:510 - received in Hamburg                               *
remarks:        * 12306:511 - received in Berlin                                *
remarks:        * 12306:514 - received in Amsterdam                             *
remarks:        *                                                               *
remarks:        * Customer settable:                                            *
remarks:        *                                                               *
remarks:        * 12306:9100 - do not announce to upstreams                     *
remarks:        * 12306:9101 - do not announce to Lumen                         *
remarks:        * 12306:9103 - do not announce to NTT                           *
remarks:        * 12306:9104 - do not announce to DTAG                          *
remarks:        * 12306:9105 - do not announce to Telia                         *
remarks:        * 12306:9106 - do not announce to Core-Backbone                 *
remarks:        * 12306:9200 - do not announce to peerings                      *
remarks:        * 12306:9250 - do not announce to DE-CIX                        *
remarks:        * 12306:9253 - do not announce to AMS-IX                        *
remarks:        * 12306:9901 - prepend as-path 12306 1                          *
remarks:        * 12306:9902 - prepend as-path 12306 2                          *
remarks:        * 12306:9903 - prepend as-path 12306 3                          *
remarks:        * 12306:9950 - set localpreference low (50, default 120)        *
remarks:        * 12306:9951 - set localpreference high (150, default 120)      *
remarks:        * 12306:9999 - RTBH                                             *
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        * Upstreams                                                     *
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        * DTAG                                                          *
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS3320 accept ANY
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS3320 announce AS-PLUSLINE
remarks:        * NTT                                                           *
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS2914 accept ANY
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS2914 announce AS-PLUSLINE
remarks:        * Lumen                                                         *
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS3356 accept ANY
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS3356 announce AS-PLUSLINE
remarks:        * Telia                                                         *
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS1299 accept ANY
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS1299 announce AS-PLUSLINE
remarks:        * Core-Backbone                                                 *
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS33891 accept ANY
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS33891 announce AS-PLUSLINE
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        * Peerings (DE-CIX)                                             *
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        * route servers                                                 *
remarks:        *****************************************************************
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS6695 accept AS-DECIX
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS6695 announce AS-PLUSLINE
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        * direct peerings                                               *
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        * >200 direct peerings                                          *
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        * Peerings (AMSIX)                                              *
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        * route servers                                                 *
remarks:        *****************************************************************
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS6777 accept AS6777:AS-AMS-IX-RS
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS6777 accept AS6777:AS-AMS-IX-RS-V6
mp-import:      afi ipv4.unicast from AS6777 accept AS6777:AS-AMS-IX-RS-SETS
mp-import:      afi ipv6.unicast from AS6777 accept AS6777:AS-AMS-IX-RS-SETS-V6
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS6777 announce AS-PLUSLINE
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        * >150 direct peerings                                          *
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        *****************************************************************
remarks:        * Customers                                                     *
remarks:        *****************************************************************
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS29515 accept AS29515
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS29515 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS205766 accept AS205766
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS205766 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS30766 accept AS-GGEW
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS30766 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS39380 accept AS39380
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS39380 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS47487 accept AS47487
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS47487 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS62434 accept AS62434
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS62434 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS200657 accept AS200657
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS200657 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS16205 accept AS-DSI
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS16205 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS12291 accept AS12291
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS12291 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS16188 accept AS16188
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS16188 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS15594 accept AS-NQ
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS15594 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS6733 accept AS6733
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS6733 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS210314 accept AS210314
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS210314 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS202034 accept AS202034
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS202034 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS41699 accept AS41699
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS41699 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS31521 accept AS31521
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS31521 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS204723 accept AS204723
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS204723 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS44152 accept AS44152
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS44152 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS49871 accept AS49871
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS49871 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS209943 accept AS209943
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS209943 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS200735 accept AS200735
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS200735 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS57358 accept AS57358
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS57358 announce any
mp-import:      afi any.unicast from AS200856 accept AS200856
mp-export:      afi any.unicast to AS200856 announce any
remarks:        *****************************************************************
org:            ORG-PSG2-RIPE
admin-c:        RG72-RIPE
tech-c:         PLN
status:         ASSIGNED
mnt-by:         PLUSLINE-MNT
mnt-by:         RIPE-NCC-END-MNT
created:        2002-08-21T15:41:57Z
last-modified:  2023-11-30T08:09:19Z
source:         RIPE

organisation:   ORG-PSG2-RIPE
org-name:       Plus.line AG
country:        DE
org-type:       LIR
address:        Erlenstrasse 2
address:        60325
address:        Frankfurt am Main
address:        GERMANY
phone:          +49697589150
fax-no:         +496975891533
mnt-ref:        PLUSLINE-MNT
mnt-ref:        RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT
mnt-by:         RIPE-NCC-HM-MNT
mnt-by:         PLUSLINE-MNT
admin-c:        RG72-RIPE
tech-c:         PLN
abuse-c:        PA7148-RIPE
created:        2004-04-17T11:11:22Z
last-modified:  2020-12-16T12:44:11Z
source:         RIPE # Filtered

role:           Plus.line AG, Network Operation Centre
address:        Plus.line AG
address:        Erlenstr. 2
address:        60325 Frankfurt
address:        Germany
phone:          +49 69 758915 0
fax-no:         +49 69 758915 33
admin-c:        RG72-RIPE
tech-c:         RG72-RIPE
tech-c:         GSPL
nic-hdl:        PLN
mnt-by:         PLUSLINE-MNT
created:        2002-01-10T13:29:44Z
last-modified:  2018-08-03T08:28:38Z
source:         RIPE # Filtered

person:         Richard Gresek
address:        Plus.line AG
address:        Erlenstr. 2
address:        D-60325 Frankfurt am Main
address:        Germany
phone:          +49 69 758915 0
fax-no:         +49 69 758915 33
nic-hdl:        RG72-RIPE
mnt-by:         PLUSLINE-MNT
created:        2002-07-17T09:46:48Z
last-modified:  2018-08-03T08:29:08Z
source:         RIPE # Filtered
Afrinic Arin Ripe Apnic Lacnic
@ 2001/2024 XO.pl  